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Government, Resource

Energy executives say feds must make good on pledge to speed up project approvals

The Canadian Press
Energy executives say feds must make good on pledge to speed up project approvals

TORONTO – Canada’s oil and gas sector is hopeful the federal government will live up to its budget-day pledge to speed up the time it takes to build major infrastructure projects in this country.

The Liberal government announced it will unveil a plan to speed up the federal permitting process for major projects before the end of the year.

Oil and gas executives at a major conference held in Toronto welcomed the promise.

The oil and gas industry is under pressure to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions rapidly in order to meet Canada’s international climate commitments.

One group of oilsands companies has proposed spending $16.5-billion on a massive carbon capture and storage transportation line to help address the problem.

But they say they’re concerned about Canada’s track record when it comes to getting energy infrastructure projects through the permitting process in a timely manner.


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