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1 million job openings over 10 years driven largely by retirement: B.C. labour forecast

DCN-JOC News Services
1 million job openings over 10 years driven largely by retirement: B.C. labour forecast

VICTORIA — There’s no shortage of work opportunities in British Columbia.

The most recent Labour Market Outlook forecasts one million job openings in B.C. over the next decade with 83,000 of those being in the skilled trades.

According to the release, more than 60 per cent of the openings will be a result of retirement.

Most of the openings will be in sales and service (21 per cent), business, finance and administration (16 per cent), management (15 per cent), trades, transport and equipment operation (12 per cent) and education, law and social, community and government services (11 per cent).

More than 65 per cent of the job openings are expected to be in the mainland/southwest region.

The trades with the highest expected number of job openings include automotive service technicians and mechanical repairers, carpenters, heavy equipment operators, electricians, cooks and hairstylists/barbers, among others.

“Our government is taking action with our Future Ready plan to break down barriers to ensure people have the skills and supports they need for these good-paying careers,” said Selina Robinson, minister of post-secondary education, in the release.

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