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Government, Infrastructure

New taskforce set to ensure 2030 completion of Lake Winnipeg infrastructure project

DCN-JOC News Services
New taskforce set to ensure 2030 completion of Lake Winnipeg infrastructure project

WINNIPEG — The Government of Manitoba has created a new taskforce responsible for overseeing wastewater infrastructure projects to protect Lake Winnipeg.

The task force’s focus will be ensuring a three-phase upgrade to the North End Water Pollution Control Centre is completed by the 2030 provincial deadline, according to a news release.

The North End Control Centre is the largest and oldest sewage facility in Winnipeg.

“This task force enables a new level of collaboration that will make real progress to improve environmental outcomes for multiple waterways and surrounding communities,” said Kevin Klein, environment and climate minister, in the release.

Klein will be the chairperson of the task force, Winnipeg City Councillor Brian Mayes will be vice-chair.

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